About me

June 7, 2011
Hello and thanks for stopping by!
I have two current blogs on Blogger.

My first  blog focuses for now on my year long sabbatical (2011 calendar year) from my position as a professor of education at a small liberal arts college in the Upper Midwest. I have five themes for my sabbatical: Rest, Recreation, Reading, ‘Riting and Research as well as three big ideas:  organization, balance and downsizing.

In this blog, I chronicle my sojourn to become fit and healthy. I started this journey on June 26, 2010 at 213 pounds. This blog documents my successes as well as my many struggles in trying to get fit and healthy. It is not an easy journey for me. However, I am uncovering the many reasons why I was obese to begin with as I go along. I am learning to take care of myself, something I put off for far too long. My plan for becoming healthy and fit is simple and comes from Marion Nestle: eat less, move more, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and go easy on the junk food. Come and join me as I move forward. This is for life.

You may like to read about what inspired me to finally take care of myself. Here are a few blog posts that will give you some background on me.


You can reach me via e mail at: mkoomen@gac.edu.
TTFN and thanks for reading,