Sunday, October 21, 2018

Catching up

My reading has slowed down some in the last few weeks, but I still have 4 more books to add to the list. I have been captivated by John Grisham novels in the last few weeks. I read his work with earnest many years ago but had to set real reading for pleasure aside because of my professional work. And it’s been just a delight to get lost in those novels.

Sycamore Row is a legal thriller medicine it’s in the same town as one of the first books that he wrote a time to kill. Racism is at the heart of the book.

Rooster Bar is about third year law school students who leave a for profit law school in order to uncover the scam related to financing law school for students who might not really be qualified. The characters didn’t really seem to have a moral compass and make laws left and right but do uncover financial scams.

Lincoln in the Bardo by George Saunders is a book of the Bill Gates book list. It is a fascinating book that unfolds in a very unique way. The entire book takes place in a graveyard after the death of Willie Lincoln. Saunders tells the story through a chorus of voices who are in purgatory in about a 24-hour period. Enchanting.

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